Slowly but Surely


Remember those early days after you first saw the light? Those were the hard times! Kicked around in public, targets of every kind of abuse- some days it was you, other days your friends.

If some friends went to prison, you stuck by them. If some enemies broke in and seized your goods, you let them go with a smile, knowing they couldn’t touch your real treasure. Nothing they did bothered you, nothing set you back. So don’t throw it all away now.

you were sure of yourselves then. Its still a sure thing! But you need to stick it out,staying with Gods plan so you’ll be there for the completion. It wont be long now, He’s on the way; he’ll show up most any minute. But anyone who is right with me thrives on loyal trust; if he cuts and runs, i wont be happy. But we are not quitters who lose out. Oh, no! we’ll stay with it and survive, trusting all the way…..(Hebrew 10:32-39 MSG)

It takes a whole lot to wait for that which you dream of. The funny thing about life is, while you are patiently waiting on God for that which He has promised, that’s when you begin to notice people around you making it and becoming successful and you all of a sudden feel stuck, maybe even second guessing the promise you were so sure you received.

you know some thing that really gives me comfort when i find myself second guessing? I recall the fact that, a sovereign and limitless God has one weakness, which is His WORD. Gods word is the only thing that limits HIM, and i wonder maybe that’s why He is some times slow to speak. Remember when Jesus was talking about going to prepare a place for us in Heaven? One remarkable statement He made was, ” if it weren’t so i wouldn’t have told you” (this just blows my mind).

So my lovelies, If you are sure of Gods word concerning any area of your life, smile because God will never fail. you know, His Word means so much to Him, that he is willing to let HIS beautiful creation (Heaven and Earth) pass away, even the Earth He sent His only Son to die for..Amazing right? Habakkuk 2:3, talks about the fact that what God has promised though it is slow it will definitely come to pass. we just have to trust the process God is taking us through, Though it might seem tedious or like a chore, like a friend will say it is all a training. God needs you to be able to handle that which He wants to give you, so it might take some time but remember “if it weren’t so He wouldn’t have said it”

lastly, your confidence in God and His promise will be tried that i am sure of and once you are aware of Gods love for you and His ability to give and sustain that which He will or has given you, then you posses all you need to overcome that trial..

Have a Blessed Day….


5 thoughts on “Slowly but Surely

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  1. God’s word is the only thing that limits Him… maybe that is why He is slow to speak… #Deep!!
    Thanks babe..


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